Jo Strømgren Kompani
A Dance Truibute To The Art Of Football – 2009-2012
To read more about the performance go to:

Inger Cecilie Bertran De Lis (ICB) – Den Hemmelighetsfulle Hagen, Sandvika Teater, 2011.
To read more about the performance go to:
Choreography “ICD-10” (Forstudium i dans Spin Off)
ICD-10 – Kai-Anders Ryan 2024
For this choreography, my goal was to work with mental health as a theme. The idea had been in my mind for a while, and I had already started working on the music for the choreography before meeting the students/dancers. I wanted the music to gradually build up and decided to use the piano as the main element. Dissonance also became a crucial aspect of the piece, so I recorded multiple piano tracks to gradually increase the intensity. Additionally, I created an audio file featuring a synthetic voice reading out all the diagnoses listed in the ICD-10 catalog, the international classification system for diseases developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
After each session, I filmed the new material we had developed. I took the footage home and worked on it further in the music program by synchronizing the music to counts and movements. Some of the music was further developed during the project/choreography to match all the movements, emotions, and expressions I was aiming for.
Lighting and stage placements were also important factors that I worked on extensively in preparation for the lighting design.
Spin Off Forstudium i Dans is a one-year full-time dance program in Oslo, preparing students for higher education and professional careers in dance. The curriculum includes ballet, contemporary, and jazz, along with creative work, improvisation, and injury prevention.
Classes run from August to June, with daily training sessions. Students collaborate with choreographers and perform in various productions. Admission is through an annual audition in April.
The school is located at Schous Kulturbryggeri in Grünerløkka, offering modern dance studios and performance spaces.
For more details, visit:
Photos: Serine Torp Drejer (Spin Off)

Choreography “Untitled” (Ski videregående Skole)
Untitled – Kai-Anders Ryan 2023
Choreography created for the 3rd-grade dance class’s graduation performance at Ski Secondary School. The music was custom-made for the piece by me. The working methods I employed involved first choreographing and then filming. This allowed me to work with the video material at home in the studio and shape a sonic landscape that fulfilled the desires I had for storytelling. By choreographing and creating music/sound simultaneously, I have complete control throughout and can make better decisions. It also becomes easier to work with what I want to convey by combining the choreographic and musical choices along the way.
Photos: Ingrid Bekkevoll Tarebø

Choreography “Stå og falle med” (Ski videregående Skole)
Stå og falle med – Kai-Anders Ryan 2022
Choreography created for the 3rd-grade dance class’s graduation performance at Ski Secondary School. The music was custom-made for the piece by me. The method I employed here was to compose the music first. I wanted to have a rhythmic foundation in the sound structure, so I mainly used percussion and blended in melodic elements. Everything was to be built up as a crescendo, both choreographically and musically. The goal was for everything to become intense towards the end. I could also make quick decisions and changes along the way because I had full control over the musical and choreographic aspects. These were important working methods to achieve what I wanted to convey.
Pictures will be added later.